Local Searchability
Small Business Advisory and Consulting Services
in Sales and Marketing
Serving Santa Barbara, CA and beyond...

Soar to New Heights With a Business Mentor on your Team with over Three Decades of Small Business Experience to Guide You.
Whether you have a bricks and mortar business, run a service business, sell products or services online, either locally or nationally, we can help you boost your revenues. Michelle Gysan, Marketing and Business Consultant is here to support your company.

-Review management and tactics to improve online reputation.
-Submitting your business to online directories and relevant industry sites to improve rankings and authority.
-Creation of customer outreach to new and current customers for business expansion with social media tactics, content, build your email list and more.
- Long term strategies for launching a new business or product or for early growth stage.
-Strategic marketing and sales planning
-Analyzing local competition and determining your competitive edge and/or creating a new one.
-Analysis of current positioning in search engine results and how we can improve your ranking. We will make website improvements so as to appeal to new customers and reach the top of Google and search engines.
-Content writing for your online website and assets.
-Exploring online advertising avenues such as Google, Yelp, Facebook, Instagram and other avenues.
-Sales and marketing mentoring.
- Business development, affiliate marketing and more.
-Product marketing and positioning
-Social Media Marketing